Speaker bio

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Sebastien, open-source adovcate, defender of diversity, promoter of not too bad architecture, does what he can to build software that is “not too shabby”.


Sebastien has been clogging the internet tubes since 1994, when he started on a long journey of discussing technical matters and unicorns. He is known for having been a keen open-source advocate, sometimes even contributor, a distributed systems aficionado, a ReST proponent, a speaker, a trainer, an architect, a diversity advocate, and anything that he’s managed to put his hands on. His passion has lead him to creating bugs in most languages.

Much longer or something else

Please contact me.


All these pictures are exclusive copyright of their owners. Redistribution and usage is only allowed to registered parties with a contractual relationship with Sebastien Lambla or Caffeine IT.

When I was young… Head shot

Short hair suits me…

Head shot with shorter hair

Sunny funky

Head shot under the sun

Laughing always

Head shot while laughing

Smiling sometimes

Head shot whiel smiling

Presenting something serious

Hoead shot while presenting in Israel

Presenting something less serious

Head shot while presenting Alice in Agile Wonderland