Installing XP Service Pack 2 RC1 & various stuff
As my life is insignificant and just plain boring these days, I’ve uninstalled beta2 of SP2 and am in the process of installing the RC1… To be honest, I’ve been waiting for about 4 hours now, and I’m still nowhere near the end, with a very high CPU usage… Thanks god for my laptop!
I’m not willing to disclose any spoiler, but I have a phone interview with an international company on Monday. I’m absolutely thrilled. Their teams are the top of the top in XP development and good in .net. To be honest, I’ve learned that there are some psychometric tests over there, and after nearly a year working exclusively on psychometric tests, I know that I can’t properly be evaluated by these, as it seems I’m a 3d thinker... Or so told me one of the Doctors in psychology that I’ve been working with. Well, we’ll see. I won’t say more about it before I get some kind of answer, but I’m really excited J
As a side note… I’m back on the Microsoft newsgroups answering where I can help.