Blog is back, second edition

So, my server has been down for nearly 10 days… Other than loosing my googlejuice, this is a seriously annoying problem with hosting your own server when you’re really far from being an administrator…

So why the break? As mentioned here I was running ISA Server 2004 beta 2, which had its share of bugs. Also, the server itself was full of crappy components installed for many different reasons, but that all come down to a bad planning and my total lack of administration knowledge.

I went through a complete repaving of my server, with a fresh install of windows server 2003 and a fresh copy of ISA Server 2004 Release candidate.

Is everything so far working as I want? Nearly… Some hotmail https stuff is still broken, and I can’t find an answer as to why. Oh well, guess I’ll have to buy myself a good book on the topic. Am especially interested in learning a bit more about back to back double firewall configuration…
