How to show different text based on an enum value?
This question was asked on the MSDN forums, so I thought I'd replciate it here for everybody's benefit.
When you want to bind to a value that's an enumeration, sometimes you want to show specific text. While writting a converter is one way of solving this problem, it requires writting code. And no code is of better quality than the one you don't write.
So here's the sample I posted.
1 <Window x:Class="MsdnForums.TextBlockBoundToEnum.MainWindow"
2 xmlns=""
3 xmlns:x=""
4 xmlns:local="clr-namespace:MsdnForums.TextBlockBoundToEnum"
5 Title="TextBlockBoundToEnum" Height="300" Width="300"
6 >
7 <!-- Forums: -->
8 <DockPanel>
9 <StackPanel DockPanel.Dock="Right">
10 <TextBlock>Current CurState value:</TextBlock>
11 <Button Click="HandleGoodButtonClick">Good</Button>
12 <Button Click="HandleBadButtonClick">Bad</Button>
13 <Button Click="HandleUglyButtonClick">Ugly</Button>
14 </StackPanel>
15 <TextBlock>
16 <TextBlock.Style>
17 <Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBlock}">
18 <Style.Triggers>
19 <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=CurState}" Value="Good">
20 <Setter Property="TextBlock.Text" Value="That was a good one!" />
21 </DataTrigger>
22 <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=CurState}" Value="Bad">
23 <Setter Property="TextBlock.Text" Value="That's no good!" />
24 </DataTrigger>
25 <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=CurState}" Value="Ugly">
26 <Setter Property="TextBlock.Text" Value="Ooooooooooh look at hiiiim!" />
27 </DataTrigger>
28 </Style.Triggers>
29 </Style>
30 </TextBlock.Style>
31 </TextBlock>
32 </DockPanel>
33 </Window>
1 using System;
2 using System.Windows;
4 namespace MsdnForums.TextBlockBoundToEnum
5 {
6 public partial class MainWindow : System.Windows.Window
7 {
8 private MyDataContext myDataContext;
9 public MainWindow()
10 {
11 InitializeComponent();
12 this.DataContext = myDataContext = new MyDataContext();
13 }
14 public void HandleGoodButtonClick(object source, RoutedEventArgs e)
15 {
16 myDataContext.CurState = APP_STATE.Good;
17 }
18 public void HandleBadButtonClick(object source, RoutedEventArgs e)
19 {
20 myDataContext.CurState = APP_STATE.Bad;
21 }
22 public void HandleUglyButtonClick(object source, RoutedEventArgs e)
23 {
24 myDataContext.CurState = APP_STATE.Ugly;
25 }
26 }
27 public class MyDataContext : DependencyObject
28 {
29 public APP_STATE CurState
30 {
31 get { return (APP_STATE)GetValue(CurStateProperty); }
32 set { SetValue(CurStateProperty, value); }
33 }
34 public static readonly DependencyProperty CurStateProperty =
35 DependencyProperty.Register("CurState", typeof(APP_STATE), typeof(MyDataContext), new UIPropertyMetadata(APP_STATE.Good));
36 }
37 public enum APP_STATE
38 {
39 Good,
40 Bad,
41 Ugly
42 }
43 }