Lunch time open mic session

Spent too much time eating, think I may have missed the beginning.

Expression Web and Dynamic web template: Showing designer support to create a template for new web pages. Whenever creating a new page, different regions can be marked as editable. Whenever a user will open the page in the designer, only the regions marked as editable are changeable.

Whenever changing the template, the two pages created from that template get updated dynamically.

Default standars for Expression Web is XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS 2.1. Whenever you import old content from a web page done when other standards existed, you often end up importing it into a new design. You may break the new standards. Expression Web helps you with that.

It automatically highlights validation errors. You can change them very easily, and the validation engine will show everything in real-time.

In a complex scenario, it's very time consuming to fix every error manually. An old page run through a compatibility report shows 380 errors. It will take an hour to change everything. There's three options when you right click. Apply XML formatting rules will fix all xhtml errors. We're down to 24 errors.

You can then select Reformat HTML, and only 3 errors are left, which can be fixed easily.

