An extension method, just because I can.
Going to the dentist is an awkward experience. You know you have to use their service or your teeth will rot, but the experience is just not enjoyable.
That's how I feel about string.Format. I use it all over the place, but find it incredibly out of place. Thanks to extension methods though, I can propose a nicer syntax. Here's a snippet from a site I'm building for one of my clients, using my rasta REST framework and linq2sql.
[HttpOperation(HttpMethod.GET, ContentType=new HttpContentType("image/*"))]
public ResourceOperationResult GetMovie(string filmName)
var movie = _movies.FindOne(movie => movie.UrlTitle == filmName);
if (movie == null)
throw new ResourceNotFoundException
Message = "The movie {0} wasn't found in the database.".With(filmName)
return new ResourceMovedTemporarilyResult { NewResourceUrl="/library/tempfilm.jpg" };
Notice the extension method there? I just find it sweet. Here's the very simple extension method.
public static string With(this string text, params object[] values)
return string.Format(text, values);
There you are, a shamefully simple extension method, just because I can!