Presenting at the London .net User Group: Put your webforms to REST - how to build rest-y architectures with .net
With the raise of the web 2.0 meme, more and more web applications claim to support REST architectures. We'll explore together what is REST and what is not, and how we can write a testable web application that supports the REST concepts on the platform, with a code-intensive overview of current toolkits ( MVC and others).
MRM Worldwide London
76 - 80 Southwark Street , Bankside Studios, London SE1 0PN
Tomorrow Wednesday the 21st of May, 18:30
This, I have no idea of :)
That is, if I get Visual Studio 2008 SP1 installing properly on my demo laptop, which is no small feat in itself, or face a frantic rewrite of some of the presentation tomorrow.