Developing .net code since 2000?

Over the years, I’ve had a couple of people in interviews being surprised at my assertion that I started development on .net in 2000. As I go through yet another cleanup of my email archives (I’m an archival freak) that are reaching around 15GB of data, I found this email.

From: []
Sent: 14 November 2000 03:09
To: …
Subject: Thank you for your recent Microsoft purchase

Thank you for visiting our store, Sebastien P. Lambla.

Your order has been entered into our ordering system, and will be delivered to you soon. At that time, the charge of $15.99 will be charged to your credit card.

This is an unmonitored email alias. Please do not reply directly to this email alias as the messages will not be answered. If you have questions or would like to check on the status of your order, please email us at

Refer to order number MSDSTB129915 when contacting us.

Thank You,

Microsoft Developer Tools

This was the first beta of visual studio. 8 years of C#, how time flies!

