Relaunching SerialSeb - Practical ReST and then some

Well. After 5 months of soul-searching, ups and downs, I’m back, more focused than ever (think laser beam focus). This week has seen the launch of several important projects for me, and I’m very excited to share them with you, a year after my last blog post! The hiatus is over and Seb is back.

Practical ReST - the book

I’ve been talking for years about writing a brain dump of what I know of ReST. The project has started, you can pledge to buy your copy today (in various editions) and get content as early as next month!

The response has been amazing, with three quarters of the minimum funding pledged in 48 hours. Of course, the more contributors the more time I can allocate to the book, the quicker the book will be in your hands, so don’t hesitate!

Writing a book in itself is a big challenge, and the scope is very ambitious. But it’s also a foray into self-publishing, and I expect it to be an amazing opportunity for learning.

Practical ReST - the class

I’ve been giving a ReST class for a while, but I’m rewriting it so it follows the same structure as the book, and make it open to people with many technological backgrounds.

First date should be in May in London, and I expect Warsaw, Vilnius and other locations to pop up this year.

If you want to see a workshop organised in your city (or your company), pop me an email.

I’m also launching a referral program and group rebates, so if you’re a training company and you want to add the course to your books, you can too.

Hanselminutes podcast

Scott was nice enough to have me on his show this week, talking about Practical ReST. It’s published and ready to be listened to, and while I was half-way through an asthma attack and having microphone problems, Scott saves the day by being a great host.

Cancer Research UK

You may remember that I asked for your contributions to help me raise money for cancer research UK. I can now announced that we raised more than 700£, and that both my objectives of non-drinking were achieved. I cannot thank you all enough for your generosity.

It had to happen. I now have my own web site. You cannot imagine how difficult it is for me to put work and effort in talking about what I did rather than what I want to do. But you will find on there a link to all my previous talks, with videos and slides (where applicable), as well as where you’ll find me next, my future talks and where classes will be delivered next.

What next?

ReST will be my focus for the next few months. I have a couple of other projects up my sleeve, but this is enough announcements for now, don’t you think?

