Nice .net blog
A huge whole lot of interesting blog with a lot of stuff am researching right now: Rick. Discovered only thanks to technorati!
A huge whole lot of interesting blog with a lot of stuff am researching right now: Rick. Discovered only thanks to technorati!
What is going on about Morgan Stanley in the Syndication world?
I actually start liking monitoring all that financial information. There's much more
happening than what I publish, but if it's not available in feeds it doesn't get to
me. And I bet you most investors will do the same way in a few years.
While subscribing to Boing Boing (Yes I am building a second OPML at work, that contains different feeds than the ones I read at home, more focused on my day to day job... Ok, except for Boing Boing), I saw this: ILoveBees goes nutso.
I followed a lot of these links and messageboards a few weeks ago, out of boredome... But lack of time prevents you from having the full story. Hope someone somewhere is doing a complete archive of the whole thing!
This is a very strong kind of marketing, and I would agree with Pablo, the flashmob appeal is serious. And seriously addictive.