Knowing which aliases are defined
[Update: Replaced -eq by -match as suggested on the PowerShell blog. Thanks guys, humbling to have you reading this blog. Tagging really does have a use :) ]
One of the main struggles I have when writing my PowerShell scripts for public consumption is that I never remember which aliases I can use. And eventually I'd like to naturally type gci instead of ls, but old habits die hard.
Here's a little function I have in my profile to get the list of all aliases defined for a command.
function Get-AliasShortcut([string]$CommandName) { ls Alias: | ?{ $_.Definition -match $CommandName } } Set-Alias gas Get-AliasShortcut
Which you can then execute as such:
6# gas get-childitem CommandType Name Definition ----------- ---- ---------- Alias gci Get-ChildItem Alias ls Get-ChildItem Alias dir Get-ChildItem
Technorati Tags: powershell